Vireo 2.0.1 Released
The latest version of Vireo has been released just ahead of the 2013 TxETDA/USETDA Region 3 Joint Conference. The conference kicks off tomorrow morning at the Texas A&M University campus. This release is a bug fix release and doesn’t really bring any new features other than improved ProQuest compatibility. Originally when Vireo 2.0 was released the export capabilities were not vetted by ProQuest. In the intervening time we have worked back and forth with the folks at ProQuest to make sure that the export format meets ProQuests requirements. I would like to thank Dan Short at ProQuest for his support and many emails back and forth to iron out the issues with ProQuest compatibility.
Here are a list of the bugs that have been corrected:
Fixed error that prevents submissions from being deleted if they are referenced by a search filter.
Updates to the ProQuest format (requested by ProQuest on January 8th)
Spelling mistakes, allready -> already (from Dheles at John Hopkins)
Fixed the label of before & after in the date range search (from Dheles at John Hopkins)
Fixed display of version number (from Dheles at John Hopkins)
Fixed DSpace export error where committee members were being tagged as advisors
Fixed authorization check preventing from Managers being able to update a student’s email and name.
Fixed authorization check preventing Managers from being able to demote users to the Student role.
Fixed UI error so that an error message is shown if no attachment type is selected when uploading a file in the view tab.
Fixed the email toggle settings by removing two of them and making the advisor request optional.
Fixed error preventing the STUDENT_URL and ADVISOR_URL from being available in non system email templates.
Fixed error causing some system email templates from being duplicated with “_” instead of spaces.
Fixed an NPE error in some exports if metadata is not present.
Fixed a problem preventing errors which occur during a batch process from being reported under the error tab.
Fixed an error with the DSpace Dublin core export so that
dc.type = "Thesis"
You can download the latest version of Vireo from GitHub. They have changed their system a bit in the past month, the dedicated downloads page has been removed. From now on you should use the “Tags” page to download the latest version of Vireo and anything prior.