HOWTO: DSpace Batch Import
About a year ago we ran into the problem where a department wanted to ingest content into our repository using a batch ingest format from their internal database system. My initial thought was to pull the page out of the DSpace manual that covers the batch import and hand that over to them so they can build their import. Turns out, that page doesn’t exist. All the DSpace manual will tell you how to do is the syntax the ./import command uses to run the batch import. If you want to find out how to build a DSpace import the only place you can look is at the Java source to piece it together.
Obviously this isn’t going to work for another department, so I created a simple one page hand out (print in duplex) to give someone who needs to create an import. I think this is still a good resource, so even if I wrote it over a year ago I wanted to publish it on my blog.